Kimberly Glassman
Kimberly Glassman has represented parents, legal guardians and adult students in all phases of special education matters since 2005, including at IEP meetings, student discipline, due process hearings, special education mediation, and appeals. Prior to joining the Law Office of Brian K. Gruber, Ms. Glassman operated as a sole practitioner, representing clients in Maryland and the District of Columbia in special education, child abuse and neglect, guardianship, adoption, and juvenile matters. She is a member of the Special Education Attorney, Guardian Ad Litem, and Counsel for Child Abuse and Neglect Panels for the District of Columbia Superior Court.
Ms. Glassman served as a co-chair of the Juvenile and Persons in Need of Supervision Subcommittee of the Education Work Group for the District of Columbia Superior Court and as a co-chair of the Special Education Attorney Roundtable. Ms. Glassman has presented on special education law matters to a variety of audiences, including parent advocacy groups, the Prince George’s County Circuit Court Family Division, practitioners in the District of Columbia Superior Court, at the Neglect and Delinquency Practice Institute for several years, and at the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates national conference in 2016.
Prior to entering private practice, Ms. Glassman was a Staff Attorney for the Legal Aid Bureau in Riverdale, Maryland, where she represented indigent clients in a wide range of civil matters, including education, bankruptcy, housing, and consumer law, and as a Skadden Fellow at the National Women’s Law Center. She is admitted to the bars of Maryland, the District of Columbia, and the United States District Court, District of Maryland and District of Columbia. Ms. Glassman is the parent of three children and serves as a local PTA President in Montgomery County.